Join Our Community of Folks Learning to Live Traditionally in our Modern World!

Testimonial (See others below): 

"What a delightful website you have created!!!  I can see that you’ve put a BUNCH of time, thought and Love into all the information you have organized.  Thank you very much … that is a blessing to me!" --Heather

“Hi Heidi!  Just getting your weekly newsletter helps me.  Even when things are down you always find a way to end your news with something cheerful, uplifting and full of hope.  Your writing style is delightful and fun to read.  I just started back to an online school and went through and unsubscribed from a bunch of my weekly reports because I didn't have time to keep up with them.  There was never any question about keeping yours!” —Karen

I understand.....

It's a big deal to share your email address and opt in to receive newsletters from someone you don't even know! I totally GET that! In fact, I'm one of the biggest skeptics! Here's why you can trust me and Healing Harvest Homestead:

We are building a terrific group of like-minded folks! If you like what you see on the blog and want even more, I hope you'll consider joining us every Wednesday for the newsletter. 

In my newsletter, I give you extra value not found on the blog with tips and homestead hacks, inspiration, and information that's helpful and valuable.  

Your information is safe, and I only collect what I need in order to send you fun and interesting information once or twice a week! You can read more about my privacy policies and disclosures here

At the bottom of this page are just a few more of the email testimonials I receive weekly in response to the Healing Harvest Newsletter. I hope you'll find value and joy in these weekly notes just as my other readers are! :-) 

Join us and sign up for the newsletter! :-) Just Click below:

Here are some examples of some resources you’ll find free in the Resource Library. You’ll get the password when you sign up for the newsletter!

Using Herbs to Relax

Have you ever wanted to use natural ways to calm your nerves at the end of a rough day...but are not sure how to do this? 

My FREE eBook is perfect for you no matter your level of herbal and essential oil experience! It's a delightful collection of herbal ideas, recipes, and remedies for encouraging natural relaxation and de-stressing.  

I want to give you this valuable and useful e-Book FREE when you sign up for our Newsletter! When you sign up, you will receive the download and begin receiving updates  once or twice a week about happenings on our homestead and additional seasonal tips or information I think you might appreciate! It's a total Win-Win!

Herbs are probably the single most effective and healthy way to relax in the evening! Help your body deal with stress, anxiety, and just calm down before bedtime! You won't want to miss these safe, natural, herbal remedies!

Herbs are probably the single most effective and healthy way to relax in the evening! Help your body deal with stress, anxiety, and just calm down before bedtime! You won't want to miss these safe, natural, herbal remedies!


Do you get home from work frazzled at the end of the day? Do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to get done? Have you ever wanted some ways to relax naturally and de-stress at the end of the day without turning to a glass of wine, beer or other alcohol?  

If you are like me, you have SO much to accomplish, and you may feel like it just never ends.  Do you have trouble shutting off your monkey mind and just being calm?  

My FREE eBook is eighteen pages jam-packed with herbal information and recipes for natural herbal remedies that will help you calm down, feel some peace, and help soothe your body, soul, and mind!  

"Learning to Relax with Herbs" is one of my FREE gifts to you when you subscribe to the Healing Harvest Newsletter! Stay in touch and never miss a thing when you subscribe.  

I hope you will consider joining our community and enjoy my FREE gift to you! 

12 Best Essential Oil Blends to Diffuse, Spray, or Roll-On!

In this mini-eBook, you'll find information about diffusers, how to make your own aromatherapy spray or roll-on, PLUS 12 of my BEST Essential Oil Blend Recipes to enjoy!  You can get started right away!

You'll find out how to make an essential oil spray, how to use your essential oils in a diffuser, and how to make a sweet roll-on to take with you everywhere! 

You'll also get twelve of my most popular essential oil blends, categorized into areas of usefulness. You'll find uplifting blends, relaxing blends, motivating and mental clarity blends, and lots more! 

How to Get Your Homestead Started Plus Some Simple Living Tips

In this short eBook, I explain how we started our homestead journey, the steps we took, and provide some ideas for you so you can get started too! 

You can start homesteading anywhere, because truly, your mind is about 90% of what it takes to be a homesteader. Well, that and what you choose to DO. 

Find out how to get started! 

There is more in the Resource Library, and more will be added each week!

Reader Community Comments & Testimonials

Sign up for the Newsletter and Join Us!

"Oh my goodness, I am absolutely loving your site! My hubby and I made your deodorant recipe last weekend and, for the first time, we now have a natural alternative that actually works! Yay! :-) ... Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your amazing wisdom and recipes with all of us out here. I can't wait to try more of your stuff." --Michelle

"I want to thank you so much for all of the valuable information that you send out.  You have inspired me soo much to continue to push ahead and use the talents that the Lord has blessed me with.  I am a new beginning soapmaker and have soo many questions, and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.  I absolutely love the scriptures that you also share and how you acknowledge the Lord in your newsletters.....Please keep up the excellent work that you do and stay encouraged because you are truly a blessing." ---Debra

"You're a gem!! Praying for the mighty abundance of God over your life today."   ---Kiersten

"I love reading your articles.  I can relate to another human out there when I read them.  Keep up the good work spreading your knowledge.  Maybe just one person will make a change in their diet or lifestyle based on what they have read on your website.  You have a big heart to want to help others in this way." ---Jena

You are my "hero".  You passionately guide us through not only great tips but spiritually how to navigate this messed up world through wise scripture. You have no idea how this has saved me!!  I currently make all my own cleaning supplies, Kombucha and skin care products.  Soap making is on the list next. Thank you so much for what you do in helping to shape the mindset in this vast universe that WE all can make a difference.  Big hugs...."

"Dear Heidi,   I just want to give you a big shout out because I love your newsletters, I really look forward to each one....  You have inspired me to making some soap, which I have always wanted to do, but keep putting on the back burner and the sticky wax wraps which I now have my resin so that’s my project for this weekend. Great way to use up some of our lrg quantities of beeswax....So thank you for your fantastic, inspiring thoughts and doings for each week. May you have an amazing day. Kindest regards, Sally🙏🌺🌈👍"

"Geez Heidi,    I just found you!  My  hubster made me get off the computer cause i spent so much time reading your stuff.  Why cant you be my neighbor dangit?  I have the hardest time with friends cause they think me so strange. Ha ha. Thanks for the manly gift ideas!---Liz"

"...Yes, gratitude is an excellent way to Praise God and lift your spirit. Thank you, I'm very grateful for you and Healing Harvest! It brings something special with each message, recipe, tip, etc! Be blessed, healthy and of course grateful, 💞🌹 have a wonderful Christmas and Very Prosperous New Year!" --- Sharon

"Hi Heidi, I so enjoyed this article about your innermost searchings and the revelation God gave you! Their are no coincidences in life because God holds all things in the palm of His hand. Keep blogging, keep sending good recipes, tips, and keep expecting manifestations in your life!  I was drawn to your site because of your love for God!  Love in Christ"  ---S

I hope you'll join our growing community and share your ideas and thoughts as we journey through together!

Click the button above to get the weekly newsletter and free eBooks!