How to Get Started Using Herbs in Your Daily Life
Have you ever discovered the medication you’ve been told to take for years is probably destroying your liver?
Are you tired of needing an over the counter sleep aid every single night just to be able to sleep…..Then feeling groggy and out of it the next morning?
Are you sick and tired of having to over-caffeinate yourself with coffee or energy drinks just to stay awake during the day?
Do seasonal allergies make your life unbearable?
Wouldn’t you just love to know what to do for colds and flu symptoms…naturally?
How about the best ways to stay healthy?
Do you love plants, and know there’s something to their magic that can help your health….but you don’t know where to start?
Are you afraid that you are going to end up on 20 prescription medications as you age…and you’re terrified of this?
You guys! This was me for so many years!
You see, I wasn’t one of those fortunate herbalists who got to grow up learning how to use herbs at my Granny’s knee. Nope. Not at all.
Even though I was obsessed with health and fitness for decades, herbalism was completely beyond my knowledge…until I happened across Rosemary Gladstar’s book, Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide.
My WHOLE world changed because of that book.
I became obsessed with learning more about our plant world, natural remedies, natural health, and things I could do for us in our every day lives to keep us healthy and well.
My passion now is to make learning about herbs and natural health accessible to anyone who wants it and needs it. That’s one of the reasons I started this blog, as a matter of fact!
I’ve written a series about How to Get Started Using Herbs that will help you get going on your own herbal journey. I’ve got the links below for you!
And as you learn, I promise, you’ll want to learn even more.
But maybe you’re ready to jump right into the herbal student world right now?
Take a look at my course, The Confident Herbalist: A Guide to Home Herbalism. I created it to give the beginner to herbalism and plant medicine a good foundation while helping you fast-track by making your own remedies…the very same ones I use in my own home!
If you’re not ready for an actual herbal course, that’s ok!
Consider joining The Confident Herbal TRIBE, a community of students who learn these valuable lessons with me each month:
everything about a specific herb in a deep and profound way
create hands-on projects using that herb, following along with me on video
watch Live Q&A sessions every week (replays available)
enjoy a complete eBook about the herb with more recipes to try,
AND get an additional herbal lesson each month on a general topic to help you grow your herbal knowledge a month at a time.
Best of all? The community of supportive and kind herbal students we’ve created. The culture in this group is just incredible!
Want a community to learn with each month? Want to learn about specific herbs by actually DOING projects? Click here to learn about the Confident Herbal TRIBE.
Here is the How to Start Using Herbs Series, which is on the blog, to help get you started if you’re not ready for the Herbal Tribe experience or a full on course:
Part 1: Which Herbs to Start With, Are Herbs Safe?, How to Source Your Herbs, How to Dry & Store Herbs
Part 2: Herbal Safety and General Dosing Guidelines
Part 3: An Overview of Herbal Preparations and Herbalist’s Tools
Part 4: Herbal Water Infusions Taken Internally (Teas, Medicinal Infusions, and Decoctions)
Part 5: Other Herbal Extracts (Tinctures, Acetums, and Glycerites)
Part 6: Sweeter Herbal Extracts (Infused Honeys, Oxymels, and Herbal Syrups)
Part 7: Herbal Powders (Powdered Herbs, Capsules, and Electuaries)
Part 8: Infused Oils, Liniments, Salves, & Balms
Part 9: Herbal Washes, Fomentations, Compresses, & Poultices
AND, if you want a free Facebook community with nearly 2,000 members for support and knowledge, take a look at my private group, Practical Herbs with Heidi.
These are all gateways to learning more about herbs, essential oils, and your family’s natural health…. with support, kindness, and safety in mind.
Pick the one(s) that resonate with you, and start your herbal learning journey now.
Take a look at the course, The Confident Herbalist! Just click the link.
You don’t have time, you say?
Honestly, you don’t have time NOT to start learning. I wish I had begun my journey back when I was in my twenties! I could have left an herbal legacy to my children.
But I didn’t know what I didn’t know back then.
YOU don’t have to let this be you.
I’m 55 years old as I write this, and Mr. V. and I have not had to take an Rx or OTC medication in nearly 10 years….because IF we need it, I make it for us.
And that has evolved over years of experimenting, learning, doing, reading, and study with some amazing teachers.
So, join me today! Start your own experimenting, learning, doing, reading, listening, and study today! You won’t be sorry! In fact, it’s addicting and fun!
Learning how to become an herbalist and grow your traditional skills is learning that can be done even in the margins of your life….
Why wait? Join us now!
Also….Get the newsletter and never miss a thing! You’ll get immediate access to the free Resource Library when you do!
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Start learning how to use herbs for your family’s health and wellness! Starting with FREE, here are many choices for you, and I’m sure at least one will fit perfectly! Whether you enjoy reading, video, audio, hands-on, I have ideas for you! Find out how, now. #howtostartusingherbs #herbsforhealth #herbalism #learnherbs #plantmedicine #homeremedies #safe #effective #easy #fast #healingharvesthomestead