About Our Team


Heidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalist

Heidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalist and Founder of Healing Harvest Homestead and the School of Botanical Arts & Sciences

Heidi Villegas is a passionate, experienced herbalist, aromatherapist, and homesteader with a mission to meet the challenge of getting an herbalist into every extended family. She believes the BEST way to spread health empowerment to the people is by starting at the family level. She also knows how important it is to help the underserved, and she generously gives free information via printable resources, hundreds of articles on her website (here), and hundreds more free videos and instruction on YouTube.

She was a school teacher for 40+ years (starting at age 16 teaching preschool), and turned herbalist 20 years ago in her early forties while continuing her career. Thanks to these medicinal plants, which she knows are gifts from God to us, she was able to heal from a large number of medical issues and no longer takes any over-the-counter or Rx drugs. After she retired from teaching, she poured her heart and soul into her online school so she could share the knowledge that saved her life with others.

Now she’s teaching others to become more self-reliant, health empowered, and to save a LOT of money through the use of herbs and essential oils for natural living and health. Her popular courses range from short to long and intensive, with even more certification level courses coming in the future.

You can read more about her journey here.

Joe Villegas, Support Team

Mr. Villegas wears many hats. He’s first and foremost the brawn for Healing Harvest Homestead’s property, herb gardens, vegetable gardens, and any thing that needs to be done. Secondly, he’s our main customer service support and also our video editor. Joe handles the business finances and oversees our student communities that are off social media on a private platform so we can speak relatively freely.

For around five years, Heidi created, grew, taught, and ran her school by herself. But several years ago, she realized she just couldn’t keep up the pace and do all the things necessary in business. She nearly shut everything down, as a matter of fact. So Mr. V. (her husband) graciously stepped in, sharing his skillsets and learning new ones that balance Heidi’s. Healing Harvest Homestead is growing rapidly, and Joe is an integral part of it.

Students in the special community groups, which are OFF social media on a private platform, just love his personable and caring help and concern for every single person.

When Joe isn’t working on the business, he’s out on his tractor, tending the orchards, the park area, and the vegetable and medicinal garden areas with Heidi. (Joe is camera-shy. I’ll get a great photo of him soon.)

Tina Dory, Herbalist, Certified Reflexologist, and Content Writer-Researcher, and Instructor

Tina is the head researcher for Healing Harvest Homestead School of Botanical Arts & Sciences and an essential part of the HHH team. She is the main content creator for the Confident Herbalist Tribe plant masterclasses which requires heavy research into clinical studies. She’s also involved in contributing to and gearing up to lead some of our live herbal chats!

Throughout her life, Tina has struggled with challenging health conditions in which doctors were unable to provide answers. Each unanswered question led her one step further away from allopathic medicine and one step closer to a more holistic life with herbs. Through searching for solutions on her own, she was introduced to essential oils and incorporated them into her life as an effective and alternative way to take care of her family’s health and wellness. She finally decided many years ago to take her herbal hobby seriously and dive in deep.

Tina is a mother of three wonderful children, and they have supported and helped her on her natural healing path in learning herbalism. When Tina isn’t creating remedies for family, friends, and fellow church members, she loves other hobbies like painting, archery, hiking, deep sea fishing, and hula dancing. She’s also an accomplished Black Belt!


Jessica Hoffman, BSci, Herbalist, Instructor

Jessica is a mom to two beautiful young girls. She got her Bachelors of Science in Biology and has worked in a dietary supplement chemistry lab for almost 10 years. Growing up, Jessica always wondered why people went to the doctor when God was the Great Physician.

Later on, a couple friends started introducing her to essential oils, and they worked!

After her second miscarriage, which doctors had no explanation for but certainly charged enough, Jessica found Heidi’s Herbal Medicine Making Basics course and her love for medicinal herbs began!

Since then Jessica has worked on listening to her body and taking a holistic approach to her health. She has welcomed her second daughter into the world, and the use of herbs and essential oils were a big part of this journey.

Jessica has become an integral part of the Healing Harvest Homestead Family and takes care of managing details, creating content, and organizing content. She’s especially expert with suggestions for working with herbs and essential oils safely and effectively during pregnancy and after care.


Jean McCabe, CA, Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Head Aromatherapy Case Study Manager, Community Manager

Jean is the lead Case Study Manager and also the Community Manager for the Confident Herbalist Tribe and Ditch the Drugstore student communities as well as the upcoming Aromatherapy 1 certification course student group. She oversees comments and questions, makes sure all shared links are appropriate and accurate, and makes sure everyone is taken care of. Everyone just loves Jean! She is an experienced aromatherapist (level 2, professional), and is an incredible herbalist.

Her passion for a more natural life led her to aromatherapy, where the spark was lit to also study herbalism. Jean’s experience also involves selling high quality herbal and aromatic products! She ran a very successful herbal and aromatic products shop for many years before joining the Healing Harvest Homestead and School of Botanical Arts & Sciences team.

Her attention to detail and safety are a cornerstone of our school.

Jean is a grandmother and loves spending time with her grandkids and supporting them in their endeavors.



Stephanie Camara, Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Aromatherapy Case Study Manager

Stephanie is an experienced aromatherapist, level 2, professional and a teacher. She loves how essential oils can support people physically, mentally and emotionally. 

While learning about essential oils years ago then choosing a more natural lifestyle, she decided to learn how to make her own soap and that led her to Heidi and Healing Harvest Homestead and School of Botanical Arts and Sciences.  

She is an original member of the Confident Herbalist Tribe and one of the first graduates of the Ditch the Drugstore class. She has experience selling products and working with clients with both herbs and essential oils.

She loves to help family and friends by supporting them with both essential oils and herbs. She looks forward to retiring from her teaching career in the future and having more time to devote to helping others. 

In her free time, Stephanie loves hanging with her dogs, reading (both for pleasure and learning), and enjoying her new hobby, No Sew Baskets



Matt Wiedyk, Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Plant Expert, Aromatherapy Case Study Manager

Matt has studied and practiced aromatherapy and herbalism for years and is a lifelong learner. Matt has a passion for helping others from children to elders, friends and family, to neighbors or complete strangers so they can be given the opportunity to obtain the knowledge of plant medicine in order to take control of their personal health needs.  

Working with individuals and designing a product to suit these individuals’ needs and concerns is where Matt shines. He is instrumental within the Healing Harvest Homestead community in supporting and helping students with challenging situations, formula adjustments, and more.

Matt enjoys foraging in the Southeast of the United States, and shares both his bounty and his knowledge of plant medicine with others. He is a pro gardener and grows many of his own medicinal plants. He plans to start distilling soon, as he is now also growing his own ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)!

He loves spending time with his family.