You Might Be a Homesteader IF.... Here's How to Find Out if You Have the Heart and Mind of One: A QUIZ
What is a homesteader, really? Here is a self-quiz to take to find out if you have the qualities and characteristics most homesteaders have. Even if you live in a city, you might just surprise yourself!
In the past several years, I have realized something. There are certain people who are just homesteaders. Doesn't matter where they live. They might live in the city. They might live in the suburbs. They may be fortunate enough to have a spread in the country!
But people with the homesteading heart and spirit all have some special commonalities.
They have a need to learn, to do their own thing, to be free of the constraints of the world as much as possible. After meeting a few like-minded people online through my blogging, reading lots of homestead articles and books, and experimenting a LOT over the years, I have come up with a list of ways you know if you are a homesteader!
Find out now if you are a homesteader...or not?
And, if you just KNOW you already ARE a homesteader and are looking for ways to start, check out my website! You'll find articles on:
using herbs and essential oils,
gardening, and raising poultry & small livestock, plus…
NOTE: You can get my FREE eBook, How to Start Your Homestead No Matter Where You Live (Five Steps & Simple Living Tips) by completing the form at the end of this article.
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Click here, and I’ll send you this handy Herbal Remedy Guide and Cheat Sheet! It’s perfect for your home apothecary or kitchen!
Are YOU a homesteader? Doesn't matter where you live! A homesteader is a person with a special mind and heart. See if you have what it takes to be a homesteader and if YOU think like a homesteader!
You Might be a Homesteader IF.....
As yourself these questions to see where YOU stand!
1. You like to do your own thing. You don't like to be told what you can and can't do. You have an independent spirit!
2. You are sick and tired of the food industry, big government's rules, the sleazy relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the medical/insurance industry, and you just don't want to be lied to anymore. You have become a super sleuth in search of the truth so you can feel good about not inadvertently feeding your children dangerous chemicals and medicines, among other things.
3. You KNOW the government is not going to bail you out. And that's fine.
4. You want to know you can take care of yourself and your family if push comes to shove. Your goal is to be self-reliant (as much as possible) one day.
5. You're not afraid to try new things. You are able to take some risks.
This handmade soap for gardeners contains homegrown herbs and natural scent. You can learn how to make soap in a crockpot in this tutorial.
6. You have the mind of a scientist....You know you are going to fail at things, and that's ok--because then you have learned what doesn't work!
7. Knowledge and experience are things you couldn't do without.
8. You KNOW there is a difference between being educated and being informed. Being informed is way more important.
9. You want to return to your roots. Heck! Your grandparents lived off the land and had a great and happy life! You want that too. You want a simplified, less materialistic life.
Take a look at these self-reliant money saving tips from survivors of the Great Depression Era. They learned to make due with very little. Most homesteaders enjoy doing the same, although probably not to this extreme!
10. This goes into the homeschooling realm: You have a feeling that what kids are hearing in the school system is probably going to mess them up, based on your own value system. So you either want to or DO opt out. (I was a public school teacher for nearly 30 years, I can totally empathize with you as I’ve watched firsthand the deterioration of the public education system in the past 15 years.)
11. You find a tremendous feeling of gratitude and empowerment in being able to watch your little plants emerge from the soil you have prepared and know that what you will have to harvest is good.
12. You love your animals, and you know that you will have to eventually harvest them for meat. That's ok, even though it may be a difficult thing to do. You know you are living close to your own food source, and that your animals have a wonderful life. They don't suffer. They don't take drugs or hormones. They are healthy and happy and loved. And the purpose they serve is needed.
13. You don't automatically "poo-poo" another person's knowledge and experience. You have an open mind.
14. You know that there are many ways to skin a cat, so to speak. There are a lot of ways to get something accomplished, and you are willing to learn from those who have come before.
15. You love spending time outside, with animals, with plants, and learning as much as you can about them too.
You are Likely NOT a Homesteader If....
1. You think the government is going to take care of you (or you want it to).
2. You don't have any interest in learning new things, especially ways to help yourself and your family in one of those "just in case" situations.
3. If you would rather play video games or watch the Kardashians than experiment with making something useful for you or your are not a homesteader
4. You have total faith in the "powers that be," including the medical industry, the government, the food industry, and you think everything you buy from the store is great for you---or it at least "must be ok" because, gee, the government wouldn't allow bad things to be sold...Right?
5. If you know about documentaries that will inform you so you can make good choices for you and your family, and you choose NOT to watch....because you KNOW you might have to change your thinking and possibly your are NOT a homesteader.
6. If you are afraid to get a little dirty and do a little hard are not a homesteader.
Homesteading can be hard, but fun work. Not everyone is up to it. Are you? (Not that everyone has to raise goats….they are a special challenge.) Here’s an article on keeping your homestead livestock healthy with tips from many homesteaders with experience.
Final Thoughts on Whether You are a Homesteader or Not
In my experience and opinion, people who consider themselves homesteaders, whether urban, suburban, or rural, are BRAVE. They challenge the status quo. They ACTIVELY seek a better life for themselves and their families. They are not afraid to at least TRY. They keep learning! They keep DOING. They know that if they take small steps, they will eventually get there!
That’s a homesteader!
Homesteaders are DOers, and they think outside the box of the material world much of the time. Are you a homesteader? I’d love to know your thoughts on this! I didn’t even realize I was a homesteader until I thought back on my own life….and I realized I have always been on the path without even knowing it!
If you are interested in adding to your homestead skillset, you may want to peruse my School of Botanical Arts & Sciences. I’m a trained herbalist and aromatherapist, so many of my courses (so far) have to do with making your own plant medicines, but more are coming! And I’ve got an excellent course on making handmade soap!
You also might like these related articles:
Urban Homesteading: Is This Possible?, and
How to Stop Bleeding Fast in an Emergency...and lots more on the blog!
Leave a comment in the comments section! I love to hear your thoughts, questions, hopes, dreams, and plan.
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Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance!!!!
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I love making plant medicine---it's my favorite way to keep well and get well if I start getting a little something. If I don’t grow my own, I purchase my herbs for medicinal purposes and my bulk spices for cooking, from Starwest Botanicals! You'll love this shop! For a great beginning book on herbal medicine, this one is my all time favorite by Rosemary Gladstar!
NOTE: Thumbnail image by Joy Schaeffer @DirtJoy via Unsplash
Do you think you might be a homesteader? Take this quiz to find out if you have what it takes to be a homesteader. You can be an urban homesteader too, which is a special breed. So if you live in a city, feel free to take the quiz to find out if you’re a homesteader! #homestead #homesteading #homesteader #self-sufficient #selfreliant #practicalskills #independentliving #lifestyle #prepared #emergencypreparedness #healingharvesthomestead