How to Make Your Own Deodorant That REALLY Works!
There are so many reasons why using commercial anti-perspirants and deodorants are bad for you! Even the so-called "good" ones that proclaim to be "natural" often have toxic chemicals. But the reason for this article is to give you some clear and easy directions for making your very own deodorant!
If you want to read more about the science behind some of the ingredients common in commercial anti-perspirants and deodorants, along with my deodorant recipe, check out this updated article: "Commercial Deodorant: Should You be Worried? Plus, a Recipe to Make Your Own Deodorant."
My Short and Sweet Anti-perspirant Story
Once upon a time, I was a heavy "sweater." And as the years went on, it just got worse and worse! To top it off, I couldn't get rid of the odor if I worked even remotely hard in the yard. I graduated from the cute little "teen" sticks to the "normal" ones, and finally to the "big boys" of the anti-perspirant world---the Clinical Strength varieties! They all stopped working after awhile. So I suffered for years with sweaty, stinky pits! It was a real problem!
About the time I started learning about herbs, I also began learning more and more about the chemicals in the products we buy and how harmful they can be! Toxic! So I started to experiment and found out a few things:
1) My body had a hard time getting used to baking soda. But I read that's normal, and just deal with itchy scratchy pits for a couple weeks and you're golden. My itchy-scratchy experience was longer than that, and I had to change a few things in my recipe.
2) I'm highly allergic to coconut oil on my skin. I was so disappointed to find this out! Coconut oil is touted as the go-to oil for natural skin care. So I had to do something different.
3) After using natural deodorant for about 3 months, I started sweating LESS! How awesome! And now (after several years) I hardly sweat at all! My poor body! All those years of trying to regulate through heavy-duty chemical-sticks, and all I needed to do was use natural ingredients that are good for you!? Who knew?
4) Making your own deodorant is EASY.
And, NOW I live Happily Ever After with my sweet smelling pits!
How to Make Your Own Deodorant
1. Gather Your Ingredients:
My ingredients for handmade deodorant.
You will need:
3 tablespoons of Shea Butter
2 tablespoons of Cocoa Butter
3 tablespoons of Baking Soda
3 tablespoons of Arrowroot Powder
A few drops of Vitamin E oil
Essential Oils of choice (See the end of the article for a NOTE about using essential oils in this recipe.)
A Double-boiler set up (I just use a pint-sized Mason jar and a pan)
Directions to Make Handmade Deodorant:
Here is my "double-boiler." Nothing fancy. Just a pint-size Mason jar in a pan with about an inch and a half or so of water.
1) Get your Double-boiler set up ready. I just use a pint size Mason jar in a pan with about 1 to 2 inches of water.
2) Measure the oils into the jar (shea butter and cocoa butter---don't put the Vitamin E oil in yet)
A bird's eye view of the oils in the Mason jar!
3) Turn the burner on to low and allow the water to come to a very slow simmer. Don't boil! Be sure to start with cool water. It is possible for the Mason jar to break, but this has only happened to me once. I think it was because I used hot water to start, with cold oils inside. But I'm not sure about that. The oils will gently melt down for you!
Here you see the oils melting, and notice the water is barely at a simmer.
4) Now add your powders and the Vitamin E oil
Here are the melted oils with the powder added in and the little drops of Vitamin E oil. I haven't mixed it up yet.
5) Now, using a clean fork, mix, mix, mix....You have to be sure it's as smooth as can be. If you don't, you may end up with clumps of baking soda powder and your pits won't like that!
6) After it's mixed really well, you can add in your essential oils. I used about 15 drops of Frankincense and 15 drops of Lavender for this batch. You can add a bit more or less, depending on how strong you want the scent.
A Note About Using Essential Oils in This Recipe:
You want to use oils that smell great but also have the ability to neutralize odor causing agents. Many essential oils do this naturally as well as being great for your skin! Some examples I like to use include: Lavender, Frankincense, Patchouli, Tea Tree. I've tried the citrus oils, and although they smell terrific, they don't seem to pack the "odor out" punch that the other oils do.
7) Pour your mixture into your jars or tins!
Beautiful, all natural deodorant! These haven't set up yet, so you can see they are still liquid. Place them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, and they are perfect!
8) Place the jars in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to an hour or so. This recipe takes a long time to set up, so using the refrigerator helps a lot!
This recipe makes about 4 ounces of deodorant! This should last you about 2 months. You just use a pea-sized amount and rub into each armpit! Enjoy!
NOTE: It is possible you may have a reaction to the baking soda, although with this particular recipe, I haven't heard of that. This recipe comes from many experiments (fails), and I have found that it not only deodorizes, but it moisturizes too! Awesomeness in a jar!
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Hugs & Self-Reliance!
P.S. Remember to sign up for the HHH Newsletter!
You can buy your shea butter and cocoa butter through Bulk Apothecary, or you can get them from Amazon as well.
I have started using doTerra oils because the quality is so good! I actually don't need to use as much of the oil because it's so pure. You can buy doTerra oils here: