Throat Soothing Tea: Here is a Simple, Effective Recipe for a Sore Throat Herbal Tea
Note: I am sharing my recipe for herbal throat soothing tea in this. It’s great for sore throat, inflammation, and when you feel like talking and swallowing is painful.
I went into the hospital to have surgery the other day, on a couple of hernias I've had for awhile. I was warned about "irritation of my throat" because of the intubation process when they do the anesthesia. Well, when I woke up after the surgery and could somewhat function, I found I had lost my voice, and my throat was KILLING me! I mean--just absolutely killing me!
I couldn't swallow, couldn't talk, and the pain was unreal! My tongue was swollen to twice its size. I have no idea what happened in there...but my throat and mouth needed some help fast!
I whipped up a batch of this herbal throat soothing tea! That’s what I did!
**You’ll want to get my free eBook, 14 Herbal Tea Pairing Recipes! You can get it by completing the form at the end of this article.
The herbs in this soothing and delicious tea recipe will do wonders for your sore throat! If you have any kind of inflammation in your throat, esophagus, or mouth, this demulcent tea will take care of it! Learn how to make this easy and delicious tea for the next time you have a sore throat!
Since I was laid out in bed and couldn't move really well, I asked my husband to whip up an herbal tea for me with just four ingredients. Now, my husband doesn't generally go near my herbs--he just asks me for remedies. But like the awesome champ that he is, he went and found all the herbs I asked for, followed these simple directions, and made me a strong herbal infusion.
It made my throat feel better immediately, and by the end of the day, I could talk normally again! The dryness in my esophagus and mouth had improved significantly. I know for a fact my voice, the pain, and the dryness would still be hanging on with out this tea.
You can use this tea for any sore throat that you feel coming on...or for more acute cases like I was dealing with after surgery. It coats your throat, reduces inflammation, and soothes and heals mucus membranes.
**For other effective sore throat remedies, check out these articles:
There are only four herbs in this delicious and simple tea....
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Ingredients in Throat Soothing Tea
1 part Slippery Elm bark
1 part Marshmallow leaf
1 part Ginger Root
1 part Cinnamon Chips
I purchase my herbs at Starwest Botanicals! You can choose different quantities and organic or wildcrafted!
How to Prepare Throat Soothing Tea
There are two ways you can make this delicious soothing tea. You can choose to make a simple cup of tea, or you can make a stronger infusion. The difference is in the amount you make, the length you steep it, and quantity of herbs you use. I needed something really strong and immediately I explained how to make the infusion.
Just pour an inch or two of herb mixture into a quart size Mason jar. Pour just boiled water over the top and let steep for several hours. You can drink it after about 30 minutes of infusing, but the longer it steeps, the more effective it will be. When made this way, the emphasis is not on taste, but on the medicinal power of the herbs.
He could have also made me a nice cup of tea using an infuser cup or muslin cotton bag to steep the herbs within. This would have required about 30 minutes of steep time, and you don't use the amount of herbs you use with an infusion. You also have to keep making cups of tea if you want more, whereas with the infusion, you can actually let it be in the refrigerator and continue to use it up to two days later!
Here is the dark infusion in the Mason jar after the herbs are strained. I've already had about half of it! Yummy!
Why Throat Soothing Tea Works
Slippery Elm is a very strong demulcent herb. It creates a lot of mucilage in the liquid, which coats the throat, soothing and calming. Marshmallow leaf (and root if you want to use that) is also extremely demulcent, working on the inflammation of the mucus membranes.
Ginger and Cinnamon add excellent stimulating actions to enhance the effectiveness of the demulcent herbs while also providing a delicious taste to the tea. You won't be gagging on this tea!
For More Information
If you have ever wanted to learn more about making herbal teas---how to formulate your own recipes, prepare, store, and make creative changes to existing recipes---I have the perfect eBook for you!
It's the eBook I wish I had had when I first began making teas! Without being overwhelming, it provides the basics and gets you off to a great start on your tea blending and creating journey! I have also included twelve of my favorite tea recipes--both for taste and health--to help you begin your herbal tea experiments!
I hope you enjoyed this soothing throat tea recipe! If you did, I hope you will consider signing up for my newsletter! You'll never miss a thing, and I'll be sending you three free eBooks! One is on using herbs to relax, another is about essential oil blends and how to use them, and finally one on how to get your homestead started!
Let me know how you like this tea in the comments!
Hugs & Self-Reliance,
P.S. You’ll want to grab a copy of my free eBook, 14 Herbal Tea Pairings, along with the eBook, How to Use Herbs to Relax. You can get both of them (and a LOT more) in the Resource Library when you sign up for my newsletter!
Just complete either of the forms below:
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and in no manner, stated or implied is any of the information meant to cure, diagnose, treat, or prevent any health issue or disease. Please see your medical doctor for concerns and any time you take herbs, do your research to be sure it's a safe herb for you to take.
This herbal tea recipe will help that sore, scratchy throat go away FAST! It's soothing, healing, and anti-inflammatory, and your throat will feel some relief quickly. Find out how to make this herbal tea for sore throats! It's better than Throat Coat!