11 INSANE Things You MUST Know About MARJORAM Essential Oil (Why You Need it in Your Home!)
NOTE: This article is all about the surprising benefits and uses of marjoram essential oil. It’s truly amazing what this aromatic oil can do for you!
About six years ago, I was sent a free 10 mL bottle of Marjoram Essential Oil from a very good essential oil company. I said, "Marjoram? Why?" I seriously did not know what to do with it! It’s now a fixture in my aromatherapy daily routine, and I attribute it to helping me manage stress and managing my blood pressure.
And isn't that the way with essential oils or herbs when your first begin to know a plant? If you are new to a plant (essential oil or herb), you really must get to know it intimately and actually USE it. Then you know how it works on the body and how it specifically works for YOU.
This goes for herbs in your plant medicine remedies as well as essential oils.
After letting that bottle of Marjoram EO sit for a couple of weeks (because isn't that just a kind of cooking spice?), I decided to do the research and find out what it's good for.
And BOY, did I find out! I've been using my Marjoram Essential Oil every single day for years now....and I LOVE it! Here's why I LOVE Marjoram Essential Oil and why its one of my absolute necessary plant medicine staples:
Marjoram Essential Oil is just UNBELIEVABLE! I say this because of my struggles with high blood pressure, among other reasons... Read all about Marjoram Essential Oil and why every household should have this handy!
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Therapeutic Properties of Marjoram Essential Oil
Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana) is from a plant cousin of Oregano. As such, they have similar properties. Marjoram and Oregano are often used interchangeably for cooking (although Marjoram has a much milder flavor), and they both are helpful to the body.
Marjoram, however, is not as "hot" as Oregano, and I feel it is more broadly useful for health.
Marjoram Essential Oil has these properties: anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anaphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, and nervine. Source
Ways to Use Marjoram Essential Oil
1) Use Marjoram to Soothe the Nervous System
Marjoram has mild sedative properties, and is notable for helping to calm and relax the mind and body. Because it has nervine properties, it supports, strengthens, and tones the nervous system, and may help prevent disorders of the nervous system. Source. Source
(Click here for more information about anxiety and a great tea or tincture blend recipe for supporting the nervous system.)
2) Supports the Cardiovascular System
Marjoram is a vasodilator, along with being an antispasmodic. Research has shown that Marjoram may help lower blood pressure because it helps relax and widen the blood vessels. The heart and entire cardiovascular system benefits from Marjoram! Source
I personally use Marjoram specifically for my high blood pressure. I simply apply a couple of drops to my chest area two or three times a day. I can seriously feel the calming effect it has. When I feel anxious, I use it too. Just inhaling it is helpful. Once I started using Marjoram essential oil for this reason, I have felt significantly calmer, and my blood pressure is more normalized.
My aromatic community, The Confident Oily Crew, is brand new! It’s a great time to join because the price will NEVER be less than it is right now! Learn to use essential oils safely and skillfully with monthly lessons and personal support from me, a certified aromatherapist.
3) Supports the Female System
Using Marjoram can help regulate female hormones, reduce symptoms of PMS and Peri-Menopause, and reduce cramping during the menstrual cycle. It's really a pretty amazing herb! Since it's an emmenagogue, it helps bring on menstruation if needed, and it also helps with milk flow for nursing mothers. Source
***For these reasons, it should not be used by pregnant women unless recommended by a medical doctor.
In my personal experience, using Marjoram consistently has definitely helped me with severe PMS symptoms. I used to get extreme anxiety, cry a lot or become angry in the two to three days just prior to my cycle and/or become a raging shrew....and now....pretty much nothing.
In fact, I was taken by surprise by Aunt Flow on several occasions. Now, at age 56, I can honestly say that marjoram essential oil has helped me on my passage through the peri-menopause years as I near complete menopause.
4) Marjoram is Great for Sore Muscles and Aches
Due to Marjoram's analgesic property, many personal trainers recommend rubbing a bit of carrier oil combined with Marjoram into sore muscle areas for relief of mild pain. It's also good for relieving headaches caused by tension and stress. Source
I like to include it with other anti-inflammatory essential oils to help soothe and relieve sore muscles and general aches and pains.
5) Marjoram Helps Your Respiratory System
Because of its expectorant qualities, Marjoram helps clear out the nasal and sinus passages. Also, since it has antibacterial and antiviral properties, it may help you heal more quickly from the common cold, ear infections, and upper respiratory infections.
I love rubbing it on my chest (diluted) as one of the ingredients in my homemade vapor rub, too.
6) Supports the Quick Healing of Wounds
Using Marjoram essential oil diluted with a carrier oil on wounds or skin infections helps you heal more quickly! You can also use it "neat" (without dilution) if you are not sensitive to it. I am not, and have never had a problem using it directly on my skin...but you should check this first. If you are using on a child, you should definitely dilute it.
7) Marjoram Helps with Flatulence and Stomach Upset
Due to its carminative and stomachic properties, Marjoram is great for those times when you overeat, experience stomach upset, diarrhea, or flatulence. Just rub some on your abdominal area. Source
I know some people believe it is fine to ingest certain essential oils, but I am not one of those folks. Essential oils are extremely strong and should be used with caution. If you are interested in ingesting Marjoram for stomach upset or as a great digestive aid, try drinking a bit of Marjoram tea using the dried leaves.
8) Marjoram Reduces Toxins in Your Body
Marjoram is a diuretic, so using it may help increase urination. This helps to remove toxins from the body and also is one of the elements that helps lower blood pressure. Again, using the dried herbs as a tea is a better way to use Marjoram for these reasons than using the essential oils.
I don’t recommend using essential oils internally, unless you’re under the care of a clinical aromatherapist who has training. Essential oils are solvents and are extremely hard on your digestive system if used improperly. NEVER add your essential oils to water, as they are not soluble in water.
9) Marjoram May Reduce an Overactive Libido
Marjoram has anaphrodisiac properties, which simply means that it may impact your libido. There is not much research on this, however, and I personally have not experienced a difference after using it for several months.
Most people don't want or need to suppress or control their sexual desires, however, for a person with extreme urges, it may just be the thing to try! Try inhaling Marjoram Essential Oil a few times a day and/or rubbing it on the soles of the feet.
10) It's Immune Boosting!
Marjoram is an immune boosting herb, so using the essential oil will help with your endocrine and immune system too! I feel that using it topically will provide great benefits to your immune system over time, as well as diffusing into the air in your home. Since it has antimicrobial qualities, it helps purify your environment too. Source
Learn to make your own handmade, all natural soaps! Use herbs, clays, and other natural colors and textures to make beautiful homemade soap you can be proud of!
11) You Can Cook With Marjoram Essential Oil!
Yep! Although I don't believe in using essential oils internally, even if they are therapeutic, cooking with a quality Marjoram Essential Oil is fine. The thing to do is to literally use a TEENY, TINY amount. Not even a whole drop.
The way I do it is dip the end of a toothpick or paperclip into the jar of Marjoram Oil, and stir whatever I'm cooking really well. Taste test. If you need a little more, do the same thing. I know this sounds crazy, and how on EARTH can you get enough spice in your food that way? Believe me: It works, and you will have PLENTY of flavor. The one time I tried using just ONE drop---It was just WAY too much spice. Trust me on this.
Where Does Marjoram Essential Oil Come From? What Does It Smell Like?
Marjoram Essential Oil is derived from the flowering tops and leaves of the Marjoram plant. It's a very close relative to Oregano, and although its scent is similar, it's much less pungent and far more pleasant. It's got a slightly camphorous, woody, herbal scent with a hint of spice. It's actually a very nice scent!
Where Can I Get Marjoram Essential Oil?
Honestly, I purchase my essential oils from a variety of places depending on how I am planning to use the oils. If I need a large quantity to make soap, for example, I'll purchase a quality oil in a bulk form from a supplier (Starwest Botanicals). I’ve found great luck with their essential oils of any quantity.
I also really like Rocky Mountain Oils as far as quality. And Plant Therapy is excellent as well, and has very competitive prices.
All I have to say is: Be careful and do your due diligence with essential oils. A quality oil may cost a little more, but you can be sure it will work. ALWAYS read the labels. And buy from a reputable company.
A case in point is when a friend of mine and I went shopping at a local Whole Foods Market, and she wanted to buy some Tea Tree Oil. I told her, "Read the label!" Well, she didn't. She did what so many of us do and only looked at the cost. So I read the label with her: Guess what? That oil was adulterated with ALCOHOL. She ended up purchasing a smaller bottle at a higher cost that at least ONLY had Tea Tree Essential Oil in it.
Again: My favorite companies to recommend: Rocky Mountain Oils, and Plant Therapy. I also love Starwest Botanicals! Starwest also carries medicinal and culinary bulk herbs that are A-Mazing!
If you love Amazon, you can find Plant Therapy there, too.
Safety Factors to Consider
Marjoram is a safe herb. However, since it is an emmenagogue, pregnant women should avoid using it unless they get clearance from their physician.
Final Thoughts on Marjoram
Although I first looked dubiously upon Marjoram Essential Oil, I am now a complete fan! And that's why it's third in my INSANE Things line up of Essential Oils! I LOVE this stuff! I use it daily, and I have seen a huge difference in my anxiety levels, stress levels, and my blood pressure is positively affected for an absolute fact. Guess what? It's not expensive either---at least not in comparison to other essential oils.
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Hugs, Health, & Self-Reliance,
P.S. I hope you'll sign up for the Healing Harvest Homestead Newsletter! You'll never miss a thing, AND as a gift of appreciation, I want to give you my eBook, "How to Relax Using Herbs," as well as all of my other free guides, eBooks, and more! I know you'll love it!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner. I’m a certified aromatherapist and herbalist, and the statements in this article are simply my personal opinion based on my experiences and many years of study and in no manner, stated or implied, are meant to be construed as cures, preventions, treatments, or diagnoses for any medical condition. Please see your medical professional if you have concerns. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.