Easy Paleo & Keto Seed and Nut Bread Recipe
Inside: Find an amazing recipe for delicious, dense seed and nut bread that is keto and paleo compliant! Since I’m back on a keto plan, I thought I’d brush this one off and update it for you. Enjoy! I know you’ll love this bread, whether you’re on a special plan or not.
For the past 20 days, Mr. V. and I have been on a “lifestyle change.” This is a fun euphemism for “diet.” We’ve been eating a modified paleo-keto plan with calorie restriction and intermittent fasting thrown in. I’m super pleased to say: It’s working! But honestly? I REALLY miss my bread.
Bread full of gluten. Bread full of carbs and starches. Delicious bread. Sweet bread. Sourdough bread….ALL the breads! The breads I LOVE to make (see the list at the end of the article) which are not only EASY but frankly totally awesome….are no more in our home. At least for the time being.
Well, I caved.
I just had to have bread of some type.
I just couldn’t stand it any more, and I went searching for a bread alternative that wasn’t made with almond flour. I’m still looking for a recipe I love made with this flour, and so far, I have been unsuccessful.
Well, I found several seed bread recipes…. But: SEEDS?
Bread made from NUTS?
Evidently, it’s a real thing!
Here is my version, and although my recipe is inspired by several others I’ve found, I would have to say the one adapted most closely came from Nordic Food Living, a surprisingly refreshing cooking site. Here is my highly adapted version, and I’ve now made it several times, with a few variations, and it has turned out amazingly well EVERY time!
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You may also enjoy these other delicious, traditional bread recipes too. These are all staples in our home (when we aren’t on a “cough” lifestyle plan), and I know you’ll enjoy these as well:
Buttermilk Biscuits—-The Best Ever
Traditional White Sandwich Bread (recipe from the 17th century—and it’s SO easy)
Sourdough Tortillas (Mr. V. is hispanic, and he LOVES these—-says they’re as good as his grandma’s, AND they’re lard free and vegan)
Easy Seeded Whole Wheat Bread—- has an excellent texture!
And this one has nothing to do with bread, but I think everyone who wants a healthy diet needs to know: 10 Foods You Think are Healthy but are Really Killing You
Now, let’s get into this Paleo/Keto Seed & Nut Bread recipe so you can get started for yourself!
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Enjoy this delicious and easy keto and paleo diet friendly seed and nut bread recipe. This super easy and fast recipe uses only seeds and nuts plus a bit of spice and oil….you can whip this up in very little time. This bread is filling, and a little goes a LONG way, too. It’s quite stout, so is a great alternative bread for sandwiches too! #bread #recipes #homemade #paleo #keto #seed #howtomake #noyeast #vegan #easy #fast #healingharvesthomestead
Easy Paleo & Keto Nut and Seed Bread Recipe
This bread is SO simple to make. I almost cringe at not having it be more complex to warrant an actual blog post, it’s that easy to make.
But here it is anyway, and I just couldn’t NOT, in good conscience, share it with you. Enjoy!
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
5 large eggs
scant 1/2 cup olive oil
Seasonings of choice…I used a homemade savory sage seasoning (found in the Confident Herbal Tribe materials) and the Frontier Coop’s Turmeric Twist: Savory Blend
Any herbal blend will also do well, like my Basil Finishing Salt. I used a few pinches of it, and a little sage as well. It was perfect served with our Immune Boosting Soup!
NOTE: I bought my nuts and seeds in bulk at a local WinCo. You can also find bulk nuts and seeds at Sprouts Markets, Whole Foods, Huckleberry’s Markets, and I’m sure MANY more around the country. You can also find them on Amazon.
Look at these beautiful nuts & seeds!
Just mix everything together—- I let the mixture set up for a few minutes because I noticed the mucilage from the flax seeds made things extra gooey and creamy if I waited a second to put it in the oven.
1) Set oven to 325 degrees
2) Measure and mix all nuts and seeds together. I thought about crushing them a bit, but then decided not to bother. I’m glad I didn’t. The bread holds together perfectly with whole nuts and seeds!
3) Beat the eggs, then pour them into the bowl with the nuts and seeds
4) Add the olive oil and spices
Here it is before going into the oven….
5) Stir well. I let mine sit a few minutes, and this thickens it just a bit because of the nature of the flax seeds.
6) Using a bread pan (next time I will try this recipe on a cookie sheet), either butter the pan really well or do what I did and line it with some parchment paper.
NOTE: I love baking with parchment paper because the mess is minimal!
7) Bake for about an hour. Remove. Let cool completely.
Isn’t it beautiful? The slices are not huge, like regular bread, but it is so filling it doesn’t even matter.
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Final Thoughts on Delicious Seed & Nut Paleo and Keto Friendly Bread
Even if you’re not on the keto or paleo “lifestyle” diet, you are still going to just love this bread. Everyone I’ve had try it has loved it too. The first time I made it, I’m ashamed to say that Mr. V. and I ate the whole loaf in one day.
Then we realized that kind of defeats the purpose of being on a “lifestyle” change, right?
Seriously, though.
Diets stink. And being able to eat something tasty that resembles something else you are used to eating….indeed, even feel a little entitled to eat after all….is such an absolute blessing and a wonder.
I hope you’ll give this bread a try if you are on a plan similar to ours that doesn’t allow bread. Unfortunately, if you are vegan, this bread does contain eggs, but I hear there is something called a “flax egg” that maybe you could substitute? I’ve not looked into this (yet).
Anyhow, you might also enjoy these related foodie articles:
On Meat, and Why We NEVER Buy Meat from the Stores Anymore (And What We Do Instead)
Nine Different Food Categories from Bad, Better, Best (So You Can Know What Those Labels Mean)
10 Healthy Habits to Start Right Now
If you have questions or comments or just want to share how your nut and seed bread turned out, please let us know in the comments section! I always reply!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,
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You’ll LOVE this delicious and easy keto and paleo diet friendly seed & nut bread recipe. It’s completely the BEST. Using only seeds and nuts plus a bit of spice and oil….you can whip this up super fast. This bread is filling, and a little goes a LONG way, too. It’s quite stout, so is a great alternative bread for sandwiches too! #ketobread #recipe #keto #bread #paleo #easybread #alternativebread #dietbread #diet #seedbread #healingharvesthomestead