How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast and Naturally at Home
In this article, you’ll learn about which carrier oils, herbs you can infuse, and essential oils are the best for helping you deal with scars, stretch marks, and even wrinkled skin.
Here is a recipe for belly balm: a stretch mark treatment I made for a friend who recently had a baby. She is dealing with those all-too-common stretch marks, which many of us have. Scars can also be improved over time with this natural plant based salve. The reason it works is because of the synergy between the special carrier oils and the skin penetrating essential oils in the recipe.
NOTE: If you’d like to see me make this salve in video, here is a link to it on YouTube for your convenience.
What is a Stretch Mark?
Stretch marks, also called “striae” are a form of scar that tend to form when a person goes through a time of quick growth or weight gain. They are common during growth spurts in teens, during pregnancy, or during quick weight gain.
Essentially, the skin becomes stretched too quickly and can’t keep up with the growth and ends up tearing. This results in a type of long scar which can range in width. These are normal, and not a cause for concern, however, many people really don’t like the way they look.
The biggest problem with stretch marks is that they can cause some stress and anxiety for the body conscious. Although I believe they are symbols of a life well-lived and should be appreciated….this is difficult for some young women and others who deeply care about their appearance.
Common areas on the body where stretch marks like to form include the breasts, abdomen, hips, thighs, and rear. These areas tend to be the most common areas because weight tends to settle here, especially with the fast growth of a baby during pregnancy.
There is really no way to repair a stretch mark, however, some treatments can help your skin heal or reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars quite significantly, sometimes altogether. AND, many of these remedies can be made right at home, like the recipe I’m going to share below.
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Ready to start making your own home remedies that are safe, effective, and work? Click here to get your free guide to 10 common herbs and how to use them. It’s beautiful, and perfect for your home apothecary or kitchen! Click here to get yours sent to your inbox now!
An example of stretch marks—-
The Science Behind the Ingredients in My Stretch Mark Cream Recipe
Let’s take a look at the ingredients in this balm and why it works!
Sea Buckthorn Oil (Hippophaes rhamnoides):
Sea buckthorn oil is a cold pressed vegetable oil that has some quite incredible skin repairing qualities making it wonderful to use in your anti-aging and skin-repairing skincare products. This is because it contains a very nicely balanced variety of fatty acids and vitamins, including palmitooleic acid (omega-7) and gamma-linolenic acid (omega-6).
Sea buckthorn oil is excellent for helping your body maintain lovely skin, even during times of aging or for the care of dry, flaky skin. It’s also a wonderful oil for skin regeneration. Studies show it improves the circulation to the skin as well. (Source)
Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum):
Tamanu oil is a dark green cold pressed oil that studies show may just be one of the best oils for skin regeneration. Known as Domba in Europe, and natively grown in areas such as Fiji, it has been long-used remedy for diaper rash, itch, and even skin issues from leprosy.
It is a shockingly dark color, and if it is not green, but black, you should not use it due to potential oxidation. I was happy to see the oil I purchased (organic) was a lovely dark green color. It has a nice earthy smell too. Source, Source
Rose Hip Seed Oil (Rosa spp):
Rose hip seed oil is well known to contain high levels of vitamin C and other flavonoids that are extremely beneficial to the skin.
In fact, randomized, double blind clinical studies on middle aged men and women show conclusively that rose hip seed oil reduces deeper wrinkles such as crow’s feet and helps the regeneration of the skin. This is why rose hip seed oil is found so prevalently in skincare products for anti-aging and skin repair.
Here are some wild rose hips I foraged from the area I live in Idaho.
Shea Butter (Vitellaria paradoxa):
Shea butter comes from the nuts of a tropical tree of the genus Vitellaria. Shea butter is composed of triglycerides with oleic, stearic, linoleic, and palmitic fatty acids, as well as unsaponifiable compounds [Source].
Shea butter is scientifically shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has been used for centuries in applications for skin health.
Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao):
Cocoa butter contains high levels of polyphenols that are anti-inflammatory and have excellent antioxidant properties, including the ability to repair DNA. Cocoa butter has been used as far back as 3,000 years; and scientists believe it is an excellent skin treatment for a wide variety of disorders. (Source)
In my own experience (non-scientific), I have had wonderful results when I combine cocoa butter and shea butter together, especially with other exceptional oils. You’ll find cocoa butter in many of my skincare products I make.
Cocoa Butter——
Calendula (Calendula officinalis):
As an herbalist, one of the first plants I turn to for the health and repair of skin trauma is calendula. It’s an extremely strong vulnerary (skin healing) herb, and is included in many topical cosmetic formulas because the science stands behind it.
In one randomized, open controlled study, calendula ointment was the most highly successful for patients with burns and scalds. (Source) And I know everyone loves the science these days, but I maintain there is nothing better than experience with using the plant yourself.
And in my own personal experience, I’ve had some wonderful successes of various types with calendula and skin health…including the disappearance of a deep keloid scar on my ankle that was thirty years old! Calendula is one of the best plants you can use for skin health.
To obtain its benefits in this skincare salve, I infused freshly dried calendula flowers in olive oil for a period of six weeks. The green color of the olive oil turns a lovely golden color, indicating the helpful plant constituents are successfully infused in the oil. This oil is the primary base for this salve.
You can find out more about infusing herbal oils in this article.
And for more information about medicinal and health benefits of calendula, click here.
Essential Oils for the Skin:
I chose to use Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia spp) because of its own proven skin regeneration benefits. Another excellent option to try is Helichrysum essential oil. It is more expensive, however, it is well worth the cost. And of course, Lavender essential oil has long been a known skincare health essential oil.
Calendula—-unbelievably beneficial
Is This Balm Safe for Pregnant Women?
One question I’ve received about it is, “Is this balm safe for pregnant women?”
Well, I’ve researched the ingredients, and found they are generally considered safe. The more conservative science sites say the sea buckthorn oil has too little information to make a statement about safety, although there is some good evidence it is extremely helpful for stretch marks.
I personally would have absolutely no problem using this balm on my own skin if I were pregnant. With that said, however, I am not a medical doctor (see my disclaimer below), and it is up to each individual to do their own research on all products, herbal, essential oil, and especially commercial (as they are filled with toxins) before choosing to use them.
Find out more information about Safe Skin and Beauty.
Now! Let’s get to the recipe, shall we?
Belly Balm Stretch Mark Salve or Cream Recipe
NOTE: You can watch me make this on YouTube if you like by clicking here. Otherwise, here are the basic directions!
Ingredients (organic):
1/4 cup shea butter
1/4 cup cocoa butter
1/2 cup Calendula Infused olive oil
1/4 cup beeswax
1/2 tbsp Rosehip seed oil
1/2 tbsp tamanu oil
1/2 tsp sea buckthorn oil
About 100 drops frankincense essential oil and/or lavender essential oil
Directions to Make Belly Balm:
Step 1) Place your cocoa butter and shea butter and beeswax into a double boiler. You can see how I used regular kitchen items in the YouTube video link above.
Step 2) Melt these together over low heat, then remove from the heat.
Step 3) Add your calendula infused oil, the tamanu oil, rose hip seed oil, and sea buckthorn oil. Stir well.
Step 4) Add your essential oils and stir well.
Step 5) Pour into tins or jars and allow the salve to set up completely. It will firm up, becoming a nice ointment-like balm to use.
To Use Your Belly Balm:
I suggest using this balm two or three times a day, consistently over time. Your results depend on many factors, depending on your individual skin and health, your hydration (drink lots of water), your internal nutrition, and skin type.
Therefore, I am unable to give prospective results….but then really, nobody can. My best advice is to stay healthy by eating fresh, whole foods in season and grown locally as well as drinking at least half your weight in water (real water—-not soda or toxic beverages) per day.
Don’t Want to Make Your Own? Here are Some Options
Organic Elasti-belly Stretch Mark Caviar—- I like this option because of the amount of nutrients and effective fatty acids in it. It’s also organic, which is very important.
Pura D’Or Organic Stretch Mark Oil—— This choice is quite close to the oils in my salve with the exception of the butters and beeswax.
Nuonove Stretch Mark Cream—- This product, as the above ones, had great reviews. I like that it comes in a glass jar too. However, it did not state it was organic, which is a definite concern in my view. Also, the ingredients weren’t clearly listed so I couldn’t see what it contained.
Honestly, you could simply purchase a high quality shea butter, melt it slightly and add some tamanu oil and sea buckthorn oil for a very good balm if you don’t want to purchase all the ingredients. But keep in mind, once you purchase the ingredients for this salve recipe, you’ll have them to make more—which saves you money in the long run.
Mommy bellies are beautiful, but the stretch marks can cause anxiety. Look upon them with joy, and in the meantime, pay attention to your health, hydration, and apply a good skincare routine.
Final Thoughts on this Stretch Mark Cream Recipe
I love using plants for health and wellness as well as for common ailments. In fact, Mr. V. and I have not used any OTC (over the counter) or prescription (Rx) medications in nearly eight years with the exception of a disastrous try at BP meds that lasted for four months due to being frightened by a physician.
Essentially, I ended up worse off than before on the Rx. After employing significant lifestyle changes and taking certain herbal supplements and plant remedies I made or purchased from reputable sources, my BP stabilized. I’ve never relied on drugs since.
I make this point because of two things:
1) We all want a quick fix—-we’ve been trained to go buy something or take a pill and want the results immediately. In the case of stretch marks, sometimes it can take quite a while to see results. I encourage you not to give up, keep applying your skincare products made with proven plants, and stay healthy.
2) Lifestyle: Many people don’t want to hear this, but lifestyle (hydration, diet, exercise, etc.) is a huge percentage of your health, and this includes the health and regenerative abilities of your skin.
So my advice is to make a plan for your own personal ultimate health, use the balm consistently over time, and finally——empower your own health by learning, either on your own or in a course.
In fact, if you would love to become a proficient home herbalist, able to make your own home remedies and get rid of the OTC for your family safely and confidently, you may be interested in my course, The Confident Herbalist: A Guide to Home Herbalism.
The nice thing about it is there is no end time where you will lose access. You own it for life. Also, I have an amazing student community. It’s being updated right now for re-release with new modules this Spring of 2020, so it’s a good time to purchase it now, as you will get all the new information too.
My other recommendation is the Herbal Academy of New England, where I have taken many courses for my own herbal education.
Anyhow, good luck with repairing your skin, and remember to love yourself through this process! It’s likely those stretch marks are signs of beautiful things in your life….and if not, reframe that!
You may enjoy these related articles:
Herbs Pregnant Women Should Avoid
Black Drawing Salve for Removing Foreign Objects and Toxins
How to Stop Bleeding Fast….Make Your Own Quikclot
Rose and Calendula Body Lotion (This is a real lotion—-not an oily butter)
And there are TONS more herbal skincare recipes on the blog!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,
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Is your skin holding onto stretch marks or scars you want to get rid of? Here is a science-backed recipe for belly balm that will help your skin heal and regenerate. This belly salve for stretch marks can be easily made and applied daily for results over time. Don’t be body conscious… Love your scars, but it’s ok to try to get them to go away. #stretchmarks #heal #treatment #salve #cream #scar #herbal #homeremedy #natural #healingharvesthomestead #goaway #getridof
I am not a medical doctor…I am an herbalist and aromatherapist. In no manner, stated or implied, is any statement made by me on any platform meant to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any illness or disease. Please be sure you seek medical advice from a doctor before using any herbs or essential oils. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Do you have scars or wrinkles, or maybe stretch marks you want to get rid of? Here is a science-backed recipe for belly balm that may help your skin heal and regenerate. This belly salve for stretch marks can be easily made and applied daily for results over time. Don’t be body conscious… Love your scars, but it’s ok to try to get them to go away too. #stretchmarks #heal #treatment #salve #cream #scar #herbal #homeremedy #natural #healingharvesthomestead #goaway #getridof