Christian Herbalism Education and Cautions in Learning Herbalism
NOTE: This article is an opinion piece based on my educational experiences in herbalism. I discuss why Christians should absolutely learn to use herbs for their wellness. I also have some very strong cautions about studying herbalism in a secular world and what to look for in an herbalism school.
This has been on my heart to write about for some time because, as Christians, our salvation is our number one focus here in this earthly realm. Some people, even some pastors, explain that learning and practicing herbalism is a sin. But, is it?
Everything I’m about to tell you is based on my own experiences in studying herbalism from many schools and teachers while also growing as a Christian and developing a strong identity in Christ. And…I’m going to share with you how I was almost derailed onto a path of animism, paganism, and Wicca, as I’ve seen others new to herbalism do.
Before I begin, I just want to say right now that I love ALL people of all beliefs. I have friends of many philosophies and beliefs, and every single person of all genders, identities, spiritual beliefs, ages, sizes, states, etc. are welcome here and in my school. We embrace everyone.
However, for the Christian, high quality herbal education from a Christian perspective can save you from a lot of confusion and grief. Some Christians are vehement about the dangers of learning herbalism, and there are reasons for this. The fact is: God made the plants for us to use for our wellness and food, and therefore, learning herbalism is a wise thing to do.
Let’s take a look at both sides of the discussion about whether or not Christians should learn herbalism and some of the things you need to look out for in your search for a good herbalism school for you.
NOTE: After only being published for a couple of days, I received several emails of thanks from other young women who have felt that draw into systems that are not ok for the Christian. I welcome your comments on this topic.
I want to reiterate again that this is NOT an article about “good” people and “bad” people. Good people are everywhere, in all belief systems. I love everyone, and I have friends in all cultures, religions, herbal beliefs, and ancestries. This is simply a cautionary note for Christians getting ready to study or who are already steeped in herbalism…..
If you are a Christian, you have a right to your beliefs in this increasingly anti-Christian world. You have a right to study herbalism. You have a right to share your knowledge. I say all of this because on social media, Christians in herbalism groups often get bashed and shamed because our belief in God’s creation is against the common belief in plant spirits and Gaia rampant in many herbal programs and studies.
I also want to mention that I’m not a preacher or a theologian. I’m simply a woman who walks the line of my faith, and I take it seriously. I want to help others who want to learn how to use herbs and essential oils no matter what their faith is or belief systems are.
First, let’s define a few important terms to understand in the herbalism world:
These words are important to understand because some of them have to do directly with why herbalism is so wonderful for the Christian and yet may cause some issues as we get into discussions about spirituality.
What is herbalism?
Herbalism is the study of the science and art of using plants and their different preparations to support the body in health and wellness. Note: I also include the use of essential oils/aromatherapy in the heading of herbalism. Some people may also refer to herbalism as “herbology,” although this is less common.
What does holistic mean?
Competent herbalists practice with a holistic viewpoint. This means we look at all aspects of the human experience: physical, mental, emotional, and also spiritual. We also consider the energetics of the plant (cooling, warming, drying, moistening, lax, tense, etc.) and we also consider the energetics of the human and the specific issue needing balance.
It’s the spiritual aspect of herbalism that can be problematic for Christians. I’ll explain in a moment.
What are occult practices?
God explicitly tells us to stay away from any occult practices. This includes divination, astrology, spell-casting, magic, and more. Many pagan systems, Wicca practices, Gaia worship, animism, and other belief systems (religions) that aren’t aligned with Christian tenets and Biblical living include practices that most Christians understand are of the occult. This is why many Christians put their hands up against natural wellness through plant medicine and turn to science instead.
I would argue that science is also potentially as dangerous. I read this interesting, thought-provoking quote recently, and I feel there’s quite a lot of truth in it (and no, I’m not against science—-and I rely upon it to inform much of my practice): “The goal of science is to prove God wrong.”
Anyway, I digress…..back to the occult.
In addition to occult practices, worship of other gods is also forbidden by our Father. We see this in animistic practices, worship of creation/nature, and references to the divine goddess and others.
If you’re new to herbalism (or not), you’ll love this Herbal Foundations Course.’s free! Each lesson is rich and thorough, and you’ll be able to start working with herbs right away. Click here to enroll!
Image from Conscious Design via Unsplash
Why Herbalism is a GOOD thing for Christians:
God is the ultimate healer, and He has given us all we need on this earth for our health and a joyful life. He made the plants perfectly, with the incredible interactions between the phytochemistry of a plant to help us heal ourselves and to be well.
An example of this is a commonly known pain relieving herb called willow bark (Salix alba). Willow is what we use in our home as a natural aspirin substitute. And because we’re using the whole plant, we don’t suffer the side effects that man-made aspirin has.
You can read more about this where I go into the chemistry of the plant versus aspirin here, or watch my YouTube video on how to make willow bark extract.
Most people in these modern times have no trouble turning to man-made science that has stripped only the active ingredients from the plants God has provided to us. We’ve all grown up this way, and it’s not our fault…however, it’s time we take a good look at what’s going on here and make our own decisions about what we put into our bodies.
People have been using plants as medicine for thousands of years, and this was how we humans kept ourselves well for all time up until the last 150 or so years with the emergence of Big Pharma, Big Government, and the money and power hungry modern health system, that’s quite obviously broken.
I feel strongly that it’s high time all humans, including Christians, take our power back in our health choices. It’s time we all have access not only to medical care but to alternative health means such as plant medicine. And….to this end, it’s my mission to get an herbalist into every extended family so that all of us have greater choice and empowerment in our health decisions.
As a Christian, I know that God created the plants for us, just as the Bible states. I believe we have the right to re-learn these ancient skills of how to use plants for our health. And, I believe that Christians should absolutely learn to use plants for wellness.
Click here to get your FREE Herbal Remedy Guide to 10 Common Herbs and start making home remedies today!
Why Christians Should Beware of Using and Studying Herbs:
Now that I’ve laid out my reasons why herbalism is just fine for Christians to study and why medicinal plants are vital to our wellness, let’s get into the reasons why Christians really DO need to be cautious as they journey down the herbal path.
It’s very easy for a Christian, especially one who is new or not strong in the faith or who lacks understanding of Biblical principles, to end up on a path that includes practices that are absolutely NOT ok or aligned with our beliefs as Christians. And here’s where I’ll become a little vulnerable and share my own experience as well as some observations I’ve noted in others on the herbal path.
I began my journey as a new born-again Christian and also began my studies of using herbs for my own wellness at about the same time, give or take a few years, about 20 years ago. So, I was a “new” Christian when I began studying herbs for my family’s health and wellness.
I was also at that time emerging from several decades of calling myself a Christian (because this is what I was told I was as a child), without quite knowing what that even meant. I had also been achieving certifications in yoga teaching and practice for over five years (which is steeped in the Hindu religion) and also delving into various New Age practices that seemed kind and gentle.
After all, how can positive thinking (the Secret and A Course in Miracles) and also Wicca (do no harm) be bad for a Christian? Aren’t all things that are “good” ok in God’s eyes?
There was even a short period of time where I tried to call myself a Christian witch (yes, some really do this), and it never sat right in my heart. That’s because the Holy Spirit was calling on me to know and acknowledge the truth….that you simply can’t be a witch and a Christian at the same time. The two are diametrically opposed. Luckily, this period only lasted a short time for me….but others aren’t so lucky.
I think God knew what I was and would be encountering in my herbal studies many years ago. He compelled me to take that step to become baptized one day in our church. Quite unplanned, the Holy Spirit directed my steps down to that baptismal font during a service at our very large church in Las Vegas.
It was almost an out-of-body experience, in fact. Normally, I would NEVER climb into a tub full of water in front of people I didn’t know and be dunked by a man I didn’t know. But I emerged from that experience a changed and better woman. From that time, I’ve questioned all things, and I’ve allowed the Holy Spirit to direct me. It has been the best journey of my life.
Over time, I came to the powerful realization that chanting mantras during yoga practice, casting spells, using pendants or tarot to divine the future, looking to astrology for answers….all these things I was practicing were NOT what I should be doing as a follower of Jesus. Nor was the lovely (but wrong for the Christian) belief in Gaia or Earth as healer ok or fine.
The thing is…as one begins studying herbalism, these practices are often intimately connected to the study of plants. Many herbal schools entwine the study of plant medicine with practices such as tarot, astrology, magic, Gaia as goddess, etc. I wasn’t consciously aware of this, but often found I felt uncomfortable in my courses.
Also, there’s a seductiveness to thinking we can cast a spell and empower ourselves…or that we can use the good things, the plants, gifted us by God for purposes He didn’t mean them to be used. We know that humans have wanted this power since the beginning, hence the original sin. And this draw to other powers is out there for us now.
Another issue:
As Christians, we believe in the Creator, not the created. As a Christian herbalist, I choose the Creator.
But in doing this, I’ve come to realize how important—-vital to my salvation and relationship with Christ, in fact—it is to constantly be on the lookout for those theories that aren’t Biblical so I can very consciously and with intention put aside any that aren’t aligned with my belief system from a Christian perspective. Also, I can better choose teachers who are most philosophically aligned with me and intentionally avoid those who aren’t.
This is one reason why you’ll hear me say fairly often in my teachings that God created the plants for us and for our well-being!
How great is this? I mean…He covered everything we need!
Then, when I’m inevitably blasted by someone for “adding my religion” to my teaching, even if it is only those simple words, I remember that satan is alive and well. I also remind myself that if others can share their beliefs, then so can I.
Here’s an innocent excerpt found in one of my favorite herbal books written by a well-known and highly reputable and esteemed herbalist who I 100% respect and turn to often for information about medical plants in my consultation practice. This is from Medical Herbalism, by David Hoffmann.
NOTE: I have to say that I just love this book, and will of course continue to use it. But knowing the philosophical perspective of the herbalist helps me be intentional about how I choose to think, instead of just blindly accepting everything an herbalist writes.
As you read the following quote, I want you to consider how a weaker (like I was when I began my herbal studies) Christian might just come to embrace beliefs that aren’t aligned with God’s? It’s a compelling viewpoint and worth contemplating.
I say this because the quote below isn’t unusual in many herbal texts, conversations, and schools. References to all kinds of unBiblical beliefs (that aren’t necessarily evil, but that can potentially be springboards to beliefs not good for us) abound in all the world and that includes excellent herbal resources and courses.
“…but just as our Earth feeds us, heals our arthritis, and strengthens the function of our hearts, so it supports and nurtures our nervous systems. Herbalism is a cooperative healing venture among humanity, plants, and the Earth. This experience of wholeness is spirit in action, and opens the door for change and transformation. Nature provides us with herbs that transform and enlighten as well as plants that heal and nurture the nerve tissue itself….”
Sounds pretty innocent, doesn’t it? Even poetic and rather beautiful. It certainly draws one in…. And, I’ve received a few negative comments about this quote saying I’m too over-the-top in how I think about all this.
Consider, though: What if you substitute “God” for “Earth and/or Nature” in the quote above, I think you can clearly see the danger if we’re not aware.
There’s a massive difference between worshipping the Creator versus worshipping the created, and it’s easy to slip into beliefs that seem very innocent, through words similar to the above quote. We know there is spiritual warfare going on at all times around us. We need to be aware at all times.
As a Christian, I know that it’s God who feeds us, heals us, and strengthens us….but can you see where a legitimate study of herbalism might lead one down an incorrect path? A seemingly innocent statement of belief that it’s not actually God doing the work?
This little gem of a quote was tucked deeply away in the book, and could easily have been thoughtlessly read and accepted by a Christian not on the lookout. And I’ve heard and read hundreds of quotes from other lovely and reputable herbalists that are similar. This is an example of how, as herbalists, our beliefs MUST be entered into our practices. We live so close to the earth, no matter what our belief system is. It’s a twist on what we believe.
I want to point out that “religion” as belief and faith is in all things, as is spirituality.
The fact of the matter is that it’s currently unpopular for the Christian to have a voice. But facts are facts, and my beliefs are my beliefs, and share them I will….just as others have the same privilege.
I have a student, a beautiful young woman, who I’ve watched journey down the herbal path. She began as a Christian and now calls herself a witch and believes in astrological principles and reliance on tarot. I understand the draw. After all, I was also compelled at one time. How tempting it is to feel like you can be in control just by casting a spell or throwing a few cards?
But that’s not how things work in God’s world.
I pray daily that she’ll listen to the Holy Spirit and make some changes. This is an example of where studying herbalism might draw one down a dangerous path….like it did me, for awhile.
There’s even a popular school for herbalism that includes strong elements of astrological study with the science of plant medicine. A Christian must be able to understand that you don’t need astrology to know how to use medicinal plants with skill and safety. And…this isn’t the only school that doesn’t teach the science of the plants without the addition of principles and acts that we should avoid.
There are MANY subconscious and not-so-subconscious elements in the world, including the world of herbalism, that can derail the Christian.
Friends, if you are a Christian and reading this, then please just know that in the herbal world, you must stay awake and aware. Or, sober and alert, as God wants us to be. (1 Peter 5:8-9)
The plants are good for us! Every good and beautiful gift that God has given us can be tainted in some way by the enemy. So please study herbalism, but do so with discernment.
Take the video and text course on Healing Herbs of the Bible and How to Use Them for Wellness Today. Videos, book, recipes, and remedies using plants of Bible times. Click here to enroll now!
What the Christian Should Look For in an Herbal School or Teacher
I’ve studied and taken courses from MANY herbal teachers over the many years…you can find a complete list here, if you’re interested. Therefore, I have a few things to say about finding a good teacher or school.
First, I want to say that most of my own experiences have been absolutely wonderful. However, there have been several where I’ve encountered beliefs about how we should interact with the herbal world that are dangerous for the Christian.
Therefore, I would say to research the school and teachers thoroughly. Be knowledgeable about what you will encounter before diving in. New Age concepts, societal issues, elements of goddess worship, astrology, animism, and many other ideologies that might be dangerous for us abound in herbalism. Knowing this ahead of time will allow you to make better decisions about schools and teachers you choose.
It’s unfortunate to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for herbal education only to find you can barely get through it (or like I have a few times, just quit the course) because of elements that are in direct opposition to Christian belief. If you feel that discomfort in your heart or gut, please listen to it.
I’m not saying that all your teachers need to be Christians, however, you must go in with your eyes open. And the stronger you are in your faith the safer and more discerning you’ll be.
This FREE Herbal Remedy Guide and Cheat Sheet to 10 Common Herbs is perfect for your kitchen or home apothecary! Click here to get yours now.
Final Thoughts…
In this article, you’ve learned why herbalism is a positive and good thing for Christians! God gave us the plants to use for food and medicine.
“….On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2
I can tell you right now from the bottom of my heart that I love this beautiful world that God has given us. I love the plants He gifted to us for our benefit. And I’m fighting the good fight for all to be blessed as I have by the healing properties of these gifts from our Father.
My health and life did a 180 once I began learning to use herbs for wellness instead of turning to a man-made pill, like we’ve all been indoctrinated to do.
I’m healthier and feel better than I did in my 30’s (I’m nearing 60 as I write this), and at this time my husband and I haven’t taken any over-the-counter or prescription medications in over 10 years, with the exception of a three-month stint on meds for hypertension that didn’t work. I now manage my blood pressure completely naturally. Thank the good Lord.
You can watch a video here about why I don’t take man-made drugs:
Why You Should Ditch the Drugstore
I realize I’m probably considered extreme.
However, as a practicing Christian herbalist with students and a small consultation practice with clients, I’ve seen over and over again how people, following their doctor’s well-intentioned orders, experience terrible health issues often due to the side effects from the medications they’re taking. When they finally want to get off the medications, it’s usually very difficult, uncomfortable, and a little scary for most.
Anyhow, I want every single extended family to have access to natural health and wellness. And in this way, families can make the best decisions possible for their children and family. At least, they’ll have open eyes and choices at their fingertips.
I encourage everyone to start learning herbal skills because it’s just one more avenue to true health using the plants God gave us. These are our birthright as humans, and we’ve lost the art in our mainstream world. It’s time to bring back natural remedies and plant medicine as important elements to our families’ health and wellness.
You can start learning herbalism FREE by taking my 5-Day Herbal Foundations email course. I’ve received quite a lot of positive feedback about it, and it’s a great way to dip your toes in the water, so to speak. You can start making some of your own home remedies today!
Click here to enroll in the free 5-Day Herbal Foundations email course so you can start giving your family health options they deserve.
Here are some other articles and videos you may enjoy:
Things to Look For in a Good Christian Herbalism School
Natural Decongestant that REALLY Works! It’s Safe, Too
What is a Tincture, and How to Make One
Best Plants for Your Healing Garden
Healthy Bones Herbal Tea Recipe
How to Get Rid of “Maskne” Naturally (Maskne is acne caused by wearing masks)
Video: Two Roller Bottle Recipes for Sinus Congestion: One for Children and One for Adults
Video: How to Make a Honey-Rosemary Facial Cleanser
And there are literally hundreds more on my website at Healing Harvest Homestead and also on my YouTube channel!
You can also find me on Instagram, and you’re welcome to hang out on my business Facebook page or in my private herbal and essential oil group, Practical Herbs + Oils with Heidi.
Hope to see you there!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance and also much Love,
P.S. If a 5-Day email course sounds like too much right now, you can download and print out my FREE Herbal Remedy Guide to 10 commonly found plants. It’s a beautiful 12 pages that’s perfect for your home apothecary or kitchen!
Click here to have your FREE Herbal Remedy Guide and Cheat Sheet sent to your inbox now! :-) It’s perfect for your home apothecary or kitchen.