Posts tagged herbal salve
How to Make Red Clover and Rose Petal Skin Care Salve for Soothing Eczema and Itches
Herbs & Essential Oils, Natural Body & HomeHeidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalistsalve, herbal salve, home remedy, red clover, rose petal, healing salve
Rose Petals Soothing Salve (Perfect for Glowing Sweetly Scented Skin)
Make a Healing Herbal Anti-Itch Balm
Natural Body & Home, Preparedness, Herbs & Essential OilsHeidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalistsalve, herbal salve, remedy, itching, itchy skin, bug bite balm, balm
Cold Sore Salve Recipe with Lemon Balm and L-Lysine: Relieve Pain and Help Them Go Away FAST!
Herbs & Essential Oils, Essential Oils, Herbalism, Natural Body & HomeHeidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalistcold sore, cold sore salve, salve for cold sore, salve for pain, herbal salve, lemon balm salve
Foraging Chaparral and a Chaparral Healing Salve Recipe (Larrea tridentata)
Herbs & Essential Oils, Preparedness, Natural Body & HomeHeidi Villegas, MA, CA, HerbalistChaparral, creosote, herbal salve, herbalist, herbal tincture, antibacterial herb, antiviral herb, urinary tract herb
Black Drawing Salve Recipe Made with Healing Herbs