How to Make an Herbal Dream Pillow
INSIDE: Find out what an herbal dream pillow is, how they work to encourage sleep and good dreams, the herbs that go inside a dream pillow, and the aromatherapy behind why they work so well. You can even use some of your herbs from the garden!
First, What is a Dream Pillow?
Dream pillows have been used around the world for centuries. Researchers have found evidence since at least the 16th century, and I would think even earlier. From Europe to Asia; from North America to South America….all over the world, certain aromatic herbs have been used to help people get sweet sleep and have great dreams.
These various herbs can be combined in blends to promote vibrant dreaming, or to encourage a deep, sound sleep. Some more gentle herbs are best for children and the elderly, and some provide a grounding meditative sleep.
These herbal blends are placed into a small muslin bag (or other soft container), then tucked into a little pillow. This is then tucked under your own pillow, into the pillowcase, or you can just set it beside your pillow.
Dream pillows aren’t the same as eye pillows, which are often filled with flax or other soft filler with some weight. These don’t affect your sleep like a dream pillow will.
Clinical research studies agree that the volatile oils contained in many herbs have a positive effect on our sleep, and these are worth giving a try if you have difficulty sleeping.
Here are the herbs you may find inside an herbal dream pillow…..
How and Why Does a Dream Pillow Work?
The science behind why dream pillows work has to do with your olfactory system and senses. Scent is deeply connected to our emotions and our memories. The part of the brain that processes odor molecules, which are the volatile oils from the herbs, is the same part that can affect the relaxation response. There’s an emotional aspect to the process as well as a physical aspect due to the chemistry in the plants. So, there’s a dual action happening here.
I know that I’ve found that sleeping with a dream pillow is very helpful. Also…when I need to travel, carrying along my little pillow helps me sleep better in unfamiliar places because the scent brings the memory of my bed. This is all subliminal, of course, but it works.
This is a form of herbal-aromatherapy that can truly be helpful!
Herbal Ingredients to Use in Your Dream Pillows
Many herbs right from your garden naturally contain volatile oils (essential oils) that contain a great deal of fragrance. You’ll want to harvest them at the right time for the plant and be sure to dry them appropriately for the plant part, too.
I love working with roses, lavender, hops, vervain, chamomile, and lemon balm from my garden. You can also purchase these in bulk form from quality herb shops like Starwest Botanicals or small growers near you.
Some herbalists don’t like to use essential oils in their herbal blends, but for dream pillows, I’ve found that adding a few drops of lavender, chamomile, and hops essential oils can really power up the blend and also make your herbal dream pillow last longer.
Without the essential oils, your dream pillow’s herbs will last around a month or so. With the essential oils, you can extend the life of the herbal blend significantly.
Here is a finished dream pillow with a nice outer cover. The organic cotton muslin bag with the herbs is tucked inside.
How to Make Your Herbal Dream Pillow
Admittedly, I’m not a great sewer, so I don’t personally make these. I let my mother, who is an amazing seamstress and quilter, make these cute little pillows. They’re like tiny pillow cases. It’s into these I tuck a filled muslin bag. If you can sew, I’m sure you’ll know how to make a small pillow case for the outer part. (See pictures)
You’ll need:
1) A small muslin bag with a draw string you can tie. I like to use a size that’s about 3 x 5 inches or so, and I buy organic cotton.
2) Dried hops (Humulus lupulus)
3) Dried lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
4) Dried rose petals (Rosa spp)
5) Dried chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
6) Dried rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
7) Dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)——CAUTION: Use if you want vivid, colorful dreams. Some people don’t like these kind of dreams, so beware!
I just keep the blend simple, using equal parts of the herbs. Some people want a greater sedative effect, and if so, just increase the hops. You can increase the hops up to three or four times and still have a lovely scented blend.
Mix your herbs and add a few scoops to your muslin bag. Tie the string tightly. Then tuck this into your pretty little pillow (if you want to make these) or perhaps you have a nice fabric pouch you can use. This part really doesn’t matter because the herbal dream pillow is all about the herbs.
OPTIONAL: If you want to power up your dreamy herbs, blend them up with a few drops of your choice of relaxing essential oils that match the plants you choose. I love using lavender, rose, chamomile, hops essential oils. And sweet marjoram!
Feel free to watch me make these on YouTube, and I’d love if you’d subscribe and like, too!
Here you can see more of the kind of muslin bag I’m using. These are wonderful because they easily allow the scent out.
Final Thoughts on Dream Pillows
That’s all there is to making a dream pillow!
If you make these, I’d love to know your experiences with them. Just reply in the comments!
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There are hundreds more on my website at Healing Harvest Homestead and also on my YouTube channel! Don’t be a stranger! I hope you’ll join my weekly newsletter for more tips and tricks and recipes not found online!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,
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