How to Shop Like a Minimalist: 8 Things to Consider BEFORE You Buy That Thing!

How and Why to Shop Like a Minimalist!  So, with fear and trepidation (insert scary music), as I get ready to really go LOOK at the most cluttered place in our home (The Loft) and make a plan to actually follow through to declutter it and make it beautiful, I am sitting here thinking that OBVIOUSLY, if I had been thinking like a Minimalist BEFORE I bought all that "stuff," then I wouldn't be having to spend my time on this project now!

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10 INSANE Things to Know About Using Lemon Essential Oil (And Why it Should Be in Everyone's Home!)

Lemon Essential Oil has so many uses, not to mention the fact that it smells delicious and joyful! It's one of the most "happy" oils out there! Find out about the INSANE things you need to know about using lemon essential oil! 


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What to Do With an Egg-Bound Turkey Hen...A Real Life Learning Tale

We had a tragedy the other day.  I especially felt the pain of it, because I had allowed myself to become so attached to Little Mama.  She is one of our turkey hens, and she became egg-bound---a very dangerous condition.  Here is what we did.   

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11 INSANE Things You MUST Know About MARJORAM Essential Oil (Why You Need it in Your Home!)

This past Fall, I was sent a free 10 mL bottle of Marjoram Essential Oil from doTerra.  I said, "Marjoram?  Why?" I seriously did not know what to do with it!  And isn't that the way with essential oils or herbs when your first begin to know a plant? If you are new to a plant (essential oil or herb), you really must get to know it intimately and actually USE it.  Then you know how it works on the body and how it specifically works for YOU.  This goes for herbs as well as essential oils.

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INSANE Things You MUST Know About Tea Tree Essential Oil...And Why You Need It in Your Home

Find out about the benefits and uses of tea tree essential oil right here. It's great for so many things, and I'll explain how to use it for acne, fungal infections (even your toenails), cleaning, lice, and lots more! Everyone needs tea tree essential oil in their home!

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Why You MUST Keep a Seed Bank---Things to Consider

Given the just-right devastating crisis event, food storage and the ability to grow your own food may become more valuable than precious metals! Every responsible person should be thinking about learning how to garden, getting even a small one started (even if only using containers on a balcony--like I used to do when I rented), and of course, having good seeds set aside for current and future use.  Right now!  Here's more about what to consider and how to get your seed storage going!

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Our Search for a Forever Homestead & Survival Property: Our Plan to Get Out of Dodge

Mr. V. and I have decided it's time to start searching for a "forever" homestead & survival property.  Essentially, it's time to "get out of Dodge," so to speak!  Here are the whys and hows of our decision to make this huge life change. 

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Bringing Home Ducklings and Adding Them to Your Flock!

About a month or so ago, my husband and I were at our local feed store to pick up a few things and hopefully purchase a few more chicks to add to our layers this year.  Sadly, they were out of chicks that day---EXCEPT for these four sweet little yellow ducklings peeping away!  Oh. My. GOSH!  I fell in love! So we ended up bringing all four of them home.  Yep!  All four! Now, I didn't know a lot about ducklings, and I'm going to share with you the things I wish I had known!  Their addition to our little homestead has been successful so far, but things might have been a little easier if we had been aware of a few things!

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How to Infuse Honey with Lemon---and Why It's Great for You!

You've probably heard how good it is for your body and health to drink a cup of water with honey and lemon every day?  Well, after being given bags of beautiful fresh lemons, I thought I'd go ahead and make some lemon infused honey!  Not only is this honey absolutely delicious, you can use it for so much!  It's great for soothing sore throats and coughs, you can sweeten your herbal tea with it, use it on toast or as a topping....or just take a spoonful because it's just SO good!  And of course, you can use it in your lemon-honey water! :-)  Here's how to infuse your honey with delicious, great for you lemons!

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